Basic Techniques for Athletics Events
Videos addressing the basic techniques for Long & Triple Jump, Running and Javelin: LAA Getting Started (Technique)
Descriptions of the basic technique for each of several athletics event at this link: LANSW Basic Techniques
How to use Starting Blocks
Starting Blocks – Straight Track
Starting Blocks – Circular Track
Coaching Tips
This is another short video series providing tips for young athletes on a wide range of athletic events: LAA Coaching Tips
Event Fact Sheets
The following 1 page documents explain the key rules and techniques for each event and are helpful for both athletes & parents supervising events. Parents should pay particular attention to the sections on ‘fouls’ and ‘measuring’ (where applicable):
Throws: Discus; Shot Put; Javelin
Jumps: Long Jump; Triple Jump; High Jump
Running: Middle Distance
“Little Athletics @Home”
LANSW has produced a series of 24 short videos aimed to assist parents/teachers in guiding young athletes to learn & practice the basic fundamental skills of a variety of running, jumping and throwing events. There are generally 3 simple sequential videos for each athletics event. These videos can be accessed from YouTube at the following link: Little Athletics @Home: Run Jump Throw Yourself Into It
“How to Teach”
This short video series (only 1 episode so far) focusses on how to teach athletics events to children, but in doing so is quite instructive on technique. So far, only Scissor High Jump (the High Jump method to be used by u9 and u10) is covered: How to Teach….